
Departure 299

by markus | Playlists

  1. Passing Place by Seazoo from Joy
  2. F.E.A.R. by Joywave from Possession
  3. Big Shot by IRONTOM
  4. You Bore Me by Husky Loops from I Can’t Even Speak English
  5. Fear by Shepparton Airplane from Sharks
  6. Bury It Deep by Beat Hotel from Beat Hotel EP
  7. Invisible by Inferior Complex from Live at Sheppey FM
  8. House Of York by TV Priest
  9. Learn by The Dunts
  10. More! More! More! by Baby Strange
  11. Anaphylaxis by PUP
  12. Keep The Lights On Me by Big Spring
  13. Turbulence by MINT
  14. Triumph & Disaster by The Family Rain
  15. Shape of your head by West Coast Sick Line from Colour Climax