Black Kill Death 11/03 @ 2 AM
repeat from November 2008, one of my favorite sets.
Stars of the Lid | Lovesong ( For Cubs) Part 1 | The Tired Sounds of… |
Electric Wizard | Funeralopolis | Dopethrone |
Genghis Tron | Asleep on the Forest Floor | Dead Mountain Mouth |
Genghis Tron | Warmwoods | Dead Mountain Mouth |
Whitman, Keith Fullerton | Lisbon | Lisbon |
Boduf Songs | Mission Creep | How Shadows Chase the Balance |
Earth | The Felon Wind | Live Europe 2006 |
Yoshide, Otomo | Serene | Live in Lisbon |
Volcano! | 78 Oil Crisis | Paperwork |
Sigur Ros | Ara Batur | Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust |