
Music Mosaic #29

by ed | Playlists

  1. Canadian Girl from You & Me by The Walkmen
  2. There Will Always Be Someone Behind You from The Language of Cities by Maserati
  3. This Is A Sight We Had One Day From The High Mountain from Inventions for the New Season by Maserati
  4. Synchronicity IV from Inventions for the New Season by Maserati
  5. Nick Those Prawns and Burn Them from Emergency by Pit Er Pat
  6. No Money = No Friend from Pyramids by Pit Er Pat
  7. Solstice from Pyramids by Pit Er Pat
  8. Mo from Martes by Murcof
  9. I Feel Fine from The Electric Mass Begins by Sonido Lasser Drakar
  10. Nova from Ghost Rock by Nomo
  11. We Do We Go from New Tones by Nomo
  12. Reasons from New Tones by Nomo