
Hippie Sessions #62

by stan | Playlists

Beatles Rubber Soul I’ve just seen a face
Blood, Sweat & Tears Self titled You made me so very happy
Buffalo Springfield Last time around Kind Woman
Big Brother and the Holding Company Cheap Thrills I need a man to love
Crosby, David If I could only remember my name Music is Love
Morrison, Van Tupelo Honey You’re my woman
Miles, Buddy Them Changes Your feeling is mine
Muldaur, Maria Waitress in a donut factory Squeeze me
Ronstadt, Linda Self titled Rock me on the water
Lighthouse Peacing it all together Sausalito
Mason, Dave Headkeeper Can’t stop worrying can’t stop loving
Steve Miller Band Brave New World Kow Kow
Crosby, Stills & Nash Self titled Long time gone
Chicago Chicago III Loneliness is just a word
Sebastian, John John B. Sebastian Baby Don’t Ya Get Crazy