
Black Kill Death @ 11 PM Monday

by djangri | Playlists

Drake, Nick At the Chime of a City Clock Bryter Later
Ulaan Khol untitled 1-5 III
Kurihara, Michio Canon in ‘C’ (C is for Cicada) Sunset Notes
Kurihara, Michio Twighlight Mystery of a Russian Cowboy Sunset Notes
Jandek Rifle in the Closet Interstellar Overdrive
Noveller St Powers Red Rainbows
California Guitar Trio Punta Patri Rocks the West
Rangda Bull Lore False Flag
Lichens Kirlian Auras Psychic Nature of Being
Makoto, Kawabata Ses Ainto ’emenefinzas… O Si Amos A Sighire A Essere Duas Umbras?
El Grupo Nievo de Omar Rodriguez Lopez Warren Oats Cryptomnesia