Music Mosaic 143: Alternative
Three artists from Sweden and two from Brooklyn. What does it all mean?!
Vox: Station ID / Intro
by Pallers from The Sea of MemoriesWicked
by Pallers from The Sea of MemoriesEvery Night My Teeth Are Falling Out
by The Antlers from Burst ApartNo Widows
by The Antlers from Burst Apart
Vox: pt. I playlist
All I Know Is but a Fog
by Simian Ghost from Infinite Traffic EverywhereKiller
by Simian Ghost from Infinite Traffic EverywhereKneel to Kim
by Simian Ghost from Infinite Traffic EverywhereNote to Self
by Simian Ghost from LovelornAs You See Fit
by Simian Ghost from LovelornPoolside Glow
by Simian Ghost from Lovelorn
Vox: pt. II playlist
by I Break Horses from HeartsLoad Your Eyes
by I Break Horses from HeartsHad We Had It
by Frankie Rose from InterstellarNight Swim
by Frankie Rose from Interstellar
Vox: pt. III playlist / Outro